Wize Services

UPS and FedEx Service Audit
Identifies late shipments with no valid carrier exception (holiday, weather, mechanical, address, etc.) and secures the guaranteed service refunds for applicable shipping costs. Our proprietary software has a 65-point checklist to identify potential claims that your staff does not have the ability to identify. Our service audit reviews delivery performance for the money back guarantee. A few examples of what our auditing checklist identifies are listed below:
Late Delivery
The carrier did not deliver based on their guarantee.
Incorrect Residential vs. Commercial Surcharges
The carrier charges residential carrier fees when the recipient is a business
A package was billed more than once.
Incorrect Saturday Charges
The carrier should have picked up / delivered on a Saturday, and did not.
Incorrect Address Corrections
The carrier charges fees for an address correction, that you had correct on the original manifest
Incorrect Dimensional Weight Charges
A mistake occurs in the dim-weight calculation. The dim-weight formula is used to alternatively rate packages differently, but dimensional weight errors happen sometimes.
The package entered into the carrier system and billed, but never shipped from your location. Also known as "voids."