The process is simple - we'll take care of everything
How much savings can we expect?
On average, you can expect about a 2% - 8% reduction of your bill. Individual savings depend on your location, shipping pattern, dimensional sizes, service types, destinations, and time of the year.How do you know what I ship each week? Do I have to send you a weekly file?
Once you give us permission to track your shipments, we will automatically retrieve and track the delivery of each package you ship. Signing up for our service will require a quick one-time step that takes less than five minutes. Our friendly support staff can walk you through this simple one-time procedure.Do you get the refund and then forward the savings to our company?
Absolutely NOT! 100% of all refunds are credited directly to your FedEx and UPS accounts. We will charge you our fee once a credit is received to your account.
Is there any contract or obligation?
We ask clients to sign a 1-year contract for recovery services. We feel most companies will see the full benefit within 3 to 5 months, however companies results are different based on the amount they ship. Our customers love our service because we reduce their freight bills and they don't have to do any of the work. This is a totally RISK-FREE OFFERWill this upset the carriers?
No, except that they'd rather keep your money than return it to you! These are the guarantees they offer to everyone. They offer delivery guarantees because they are in competition with each other and want your business. What they don't tell you is how difficult, confusing and time consuming it is to actually get your refunds. They count on most people to give up without asking for their refunds.Can I claim the refunds myself?
Absolutely -- but most companies never claim these guaranteed refunds because:1. They don't know the shipment is late unless the recipient calls to complain.
2. They don't want the administrative hassle of claiming the refund.
3. There isn't enough time in the day to track hundreds of shipments just to find a few refunds.